To support the city’s growth, we need a strategy that connects housing development, transportation, and infrastructure to a clear vision for growth. This includes setting real goals for where housing should grow to make the most impact.

Smart Growth Report:
City of Tulsa Housing Development Analysis

This comprehensive review was prepared by Smart Growth America (SGA) in collaboration with Housing Forward and The Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation. It addresses the critical challenges faced by the City of Tulsa in increasing the supply of affordable, accessible, and equitable housing.

The Situation

Tulsa faces a critical need for 12,900 new housing units over the next decade, with 4,000 needed immediately.

A study of policies and processes hindering the housing development landscape in Tulsa.

To meet this demand, the Smart Growth Report recommends streamlining development, removing regulatory barriers, and aligning housing with transportation and infrastructure investments.

By adopting these strategies, Tulsa can become a national leader in smart growth and equitable development while addressing longstanding disparities. This report provides a roadmap for creating a more inclusive, connected, and future-ready housing market. We look forward to working with city leaders and community partners to make this vision a reality.

Read or download the full report

This comprehensive review was prepared by Smart Growth America (SGA) in collaboration with Housing Forward and The Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation. It addresses the critical challenges faced by the City of Tulsa in increasing the supply of affordable, accessible, and equitable housing.